Covid-19 has tipped our world on it's head and has profoundly impacted the way we live our day to day lives. Supermarket shortages and panic buying are forcing people to look for alternative solutions to providing food for themselves and their families and we are seeing a strong surge in people wanting to know more about what's happening at their local community garden and seeking advice on how to get the most out of their urban backyard food production.
Community Gardens Australia has been busy providing such advice to members as well as how to manage physical distancing and correct safety/sanitation procedures at gardens and we are currently working with our partner organisations to encourage government to recognise our gardens and other urban agricultural spaces as essential services to the community. We are putting together an info pack to assist members through this time as well as continuing with our board development and new website build. We have just welcomed 4 new board members to our fold and are busy rebranding from the old Australian City Farms and Community Gardens Network to the new Community Gardens Australia which has been very exciting.
In many ways, these are uncertain times. However, it is the perfect time for us to come together as a community of people that need to exist on this planet together effectively and safely. Let's look after each other, grow lots of amazing fresh food in our backyards, on our verges and in our community gardens and other urban food spaces and share our knowledge so that we come out of this more resilient, happy, healthy and connected. Our gardens give us life so let’s get out there and enjoy them whilst we manage this period of physical distancing.