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Urban Food Growing and Garden Summer Lunch

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Come and meet our dedicated and diverse group of volunteers for the first working bee of 2017 at the Carlton Neighbourhood Learning Centre garden and learn some skills while giving us a hand in the garden!

We will be cultivating soil and sowing a green manure crop to further improve our soil for an extension of our inner city market garden and orchard. In appreciation for your hard work, you will have the opportunity to attend a workshop presented by Sebastian Beck, teaching you how to get the most out of your urban planter box or backyard veggie patch by demonstrating ‘double digging’ and planting techniques to maximise crop yields.

As always, we will finish the working bee with a delicious vegetarian (free!) lunch cooked up by the fabulous team from OpenTable with food which has been rescued from going to landfill. To lend a hand in the kitchen please email

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