As part of the Sustainable Living Festival and Valentines day CERES Joe's Garden has decided to create the CUTEST Date in town!!!!!
Do you want to meet singles who share a passion for farming/ gardening?? You might meet the lover or the friend of your dreams!!!
Let Joe's Garden together with the dolset tunes of the Church of Burt (a Burt Bacarach cover band!!!!!) do the match making. This event will be a super inclusive event for people who are of any age over 18, Straight, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer.
This event will include nibbles, drinks and a show bag from the farm be sure to BYO picnic rug though!!
If this sounds like something you would be interested in please email Emily at to confirm your spots. Spaces are LIMITED so be quick, click here to book.
COST $30
Concession $20
Photo courtesy of CERES Joe's Market Garden.