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Steering Committee Member

Daniel Tatton

General Manager, 3000 Acres

Dan has over a decade of experience in policy, strategy, and project management across the not-for-profit and public sectors. Prior roles have included as Chair and Board member of multiple community groups and as a senior adviser in the Department of Premier and Cabinet. He’s a passionate advocate for community gardening and a strong believer that “everything we need is here”, as Wendell Berry put it – meaningful community change happens at the grassroots, drawing on local capacity and resources, with big change often beginning with a conversation around a kitchen table.

About 3000acres

3000acres is a Melbourne based not-for-profit on a mission to help more people, grow more food, in more places.

3000acres works with councils, statutory bodies and communities to build healthier and more resilient communities by bringing people together around food. Their work span across community gardens, community composting hubs, annual harvesting events, skills education and events that open up food-growing backyards.