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Jorge Cantellano

Coordinator, EdibleScapes Gardens

EdibleScapes Gardens Coordinator Jorge Cantellano is by trade a 3D CAD/CAM designer for fabrication, with extensive experience in boatbuilding fabrication and kit Car Manufacturers. By choice Jorge is also an agroecology urban gardener practician with 5 years of experience in conceiving, implementing and developing the Public Edible Landscape Gardens project “EdibleScapes”. Combining an edible forest garden with bio-intensive food grown in a living ecological garden makes this project an agroecological “permagarden”. Jorge gets an FAO certificate in "Agroecology, transition to sustainable food systems." “So, I have authoritatively certificated a new peasant. Under the concept of food sovereignty, peasants are (re)signified and attributed multiple meanings associated with the defence of territories, agroecological practices, small-scale production, local markets, the non-commodification of natural resources, resistance and struggle for access to land, the defence of ancestral seeds, the protection of common goods, sustainable production, and appropriate science and technologies.”