Thuch Ajak is the project coordinator for the United African Farm. He holds a Bsc (Hons) in Agriculture majoring in Crop Protection. Before migrating to Australia in 2015, Thuch was working as a head of the Plant Protection department in the South Sudanese Ministry of Agriculture and also running an agricultural business which was delivering training, farm inputs among others, With his passion for farming, he volunteered at CERES in 2018 and work briefly at CERES Joe's market garden. It was at this time he also connected to Farmers Incubator, met mama Queyea, and this relationship led to the formation of United African Farm in Longwarry in 2019. The United Farm African brought about 80 members from 10 different African countries together on a 1 acre piece of land.Thuch continues to play vital role in the project and he is currently working at Cardinia Shire Council as recovery officer pandemic response.