We are very excited to announce the Australian touring dates of our Keynote Speakers Henk De Zeuw and Debra Solomon as they head to Bendigo, Adelaide and Sydney in the days following the Melbourne Urban Agriculture Forum.
Urban agriculture has a well recognised role in many parts of the world where an estimated 800 million people produce as much as 20% of the world’s total food requirements. In Australia, however, city wide urban agriculture policies and strategies remain overlooked and under-utilised.
To celebrate the Royal Botanic Gardens 200th Birthday year, we would like to invite you to the site of Australia’s first European farm for a special forum on urban agriculture and food security into the next 200 years. The forum will bring together practitioners and policy makers from across the urban food landscape to build a shared understanding of what urban agriculture is and the benefits and opportunities it can offer in the Australian context.
Special Guest Speakers:
Henk de Zeeuw
- Senior advisor in the global coordinating unit of the Resource Centres on Urban Agriculture and Food Security Foundation (RUAF Foundation)
Debra Solomon
- Artist and designer of foodsystem infrastructure
Phil Pettitt
- Community Greening Coordinator, RBG
Where and When:
Thursday 24th November 2016, 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Moore Room, the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney
$20 adult, $10 student/senior.
Canapés & glass of wine on arrival
Contact: Philip.Pettitt@bgcp.nsw.gov.au
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